Alumni Area FAQ
Make sure you are logged in. If you look at the right top of the screen you should see your screen name; if not, you are not logged in. Click on Login and put in your User Name and Password.
Click on Login. Click on Forgot Password. Put your User Name in the field and click Reset Password. You will be sent an email. Click on the link to reset your password. If you have problems or questions email us here.
First you will want to make sure you are logged in. If you don't have a login you will need to register. You can do that two ways:
1. Sign up as a new member or renew your membership, pay your dues, and you will have access to the members-only area and the ability to set up your profile.
2. If you have already paid your annual membership dues but don't have a User Name and Password, contact Suzanne Bass at <a href=""></a>.
Once logged in, you will go to My Alums and come down to Members and to Update My Profile. Click on the Edit Profile button and fill in the information, biography, and add your photo if you choose to do so. This is a members-only secured area of the website; only Adamson Alumni Association members in good standing have access to the members-only sections.